The release of DeepSeek not only amazes the U.S. technology industry, but also has a huge impact within China, noted Wen Xiaowei, Professor of South China Agricultural Universityduring the Guangdong Provincial High-quality Development Conference held on Feb. 5. Prof. Wen also enumerated the applications of AI tools in agriculture. He pointed out that AI can be used to promote the development of breeding techniques in a way that cuts down the breeding timeand enhances the breeding effects. Besides, AI can elevate the accuracy and the speed of agricultural policy making.
Chief Producer: Yu Xiaona
Supervising Producer: Huang Yanshu
Reporter: Huang Zihao,Wu Wanjie
Overseas Operations Supervising Producer: Huang Yanshu
Overseas Content Coordinator: Huang Zihao
Overseas Operations Editors: Zhuang Huan, Wu Wanjie, Long Lihua, Zhang Weitao
Produced by: Southern Finance Omnimedia Group
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